The healing “Doc Fleck Method” developed by Dr. Anne Fleck combines diagnostics and therapy from classical and innovative preventive medicine including nutritional, and regulatory medicine as well as effective natural healing methods.
It includes the individual search for the cause – the intensive attention to the patient in a personal exchange with the intention of leading a life in health and vitality. This can be achieved through the perceptive early recognition of changes in the physical and mental balance and the targeted stimulation of the inherent self-healing powers of everyone.
The method focuses on health instead of symptom suppression. The proven strategy leans on interpreting hidden causes with care and cautiously recognizing and treating the person in its entirety, integrating all the potential of modern therapies.
The sophisticated combination of approaches is an optimal and proven strategy to develop the best long-term health potential for individuals and significantly improve quality of life.
Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside. Albert Schweitzer
Every person is unique, is different in their lifestyle, and eats differently. Due to diverse tolerances, preferences, genes and lifestyles, blanket medical suggestions are not effective. Maintaining and promoting the health of the individual, optimally from childhood on, is the highest goal of contemporary medicine. Doc Fleck offers a personalized solution for you.
Effective. Simple. Sustainable.
Modern individualized body-mind preventive
care provides the basis of health
The innovative medical check-up according to the Doc Fleck method has enjoyed an excellent reputation for years and offers a customized concept for individuals and companies, unique in this form. The holistic preventive care according to Doc Fleck stands for careful customized medicine and relies on modern diagnostics and sustainable lifestyle intervention.
A Medical Check-up includes:
- Detailed medical history
- Innovative laboratory, urine, and stool analyses
- Diagnostics of internal organs and cardiovascular system
- Lifestyle analysis (nutrition, exercise, sleep, work-life balance, stress level)
- Detailed report of findings with individual recommendations that largely dispense with rigid prohibitions and promote one’s own potential for health (e.g., on nutrition, micronutrient supply, stress reduction, sleep hygiene, etc.).
If necessary, we offer you support through medical tele coaching and help you organize medically beneficial complementary examinations. In doing so, our broad network of other specialties is at your disposal. Prevention and healing require HOLISTIC MEDICINE, we want to serve this declaration in the appreciation of your health.
Being SLIM! is not enough! HEALTH is the goal.
Note: 40% of the externally SLIM are TOFIs, “thin outside fat inside”, i.e., externally “thin heavyweights” with internally inflammatory-altered fat cells and the same risks as the classically overweight for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, dementia, and cancer.
We offer:
- the longed-for exit from a long-standing, unhealthy dieting career,
- a successful body makeover with sustainable weight loss,
- individualized guidance on healthy weight maintenance with natural foods,
- professional long-term support and behavioral coaching as needed.
Our philosophy: We reject the use of overpriced whey protein shakes containing sweeteners, as these have been proven to damage the healthy, slimming intestinal flora and many people unknowingly have a problem with whey protein, i.e., milk protein.
Finding the root of a symptoms changes everything
You feel the burden of symptoms and a real cause is not yet found? Often symptoms are trivialized as normal stress, and those affected are wrongly labeled as “stressed” or “psycho”. In fact, often an agonizing alarm of unrecognized metabolic disorders, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, chronic inflammation, environmental stress, pathological changes in the oral and intestinal flora, or hidden infections, etc. is the hidden cause of many symptoms.
We offer:
- attentive listening without prejudice,
- focused search for rootcauses and
- customized diagnostics (including laboratory/stool/sleep analysis) as the basis of a customized therapy for a new quality of life.
How healthy and energetic you feel depends on the efficient functioning of all organs and optimal detoxification. The targeted promotion of detoxification is essential for the reparative processes in the body and is successfully used in the prevention and therapy of diseases. Among other things, “autophagy”, i.e., the recycling of cellular debris in the body, is promoted by fasting and innovative nutritional supplements (e.g., spermidine). Detoxing and fasting need a solid pre-diagnosis and adequate attention, they are not recommendable for everyone and require a careful look at the indication. Unfortunately, questionable “Detox Specials”, which can even be harmful, advertise with the term detoxification. There is also a widespread opinion that the body “regulates” detoxification on its own. This view is too short-sighted from the perspective of modern preventive medicine. There needs to be a careful and professional approach that can promote your health potential.
We offer:
- contemporary therapy according to the latest research,
- individualized concept,
- focused 7-to-21-day program including analysis of dietary habits and individual recommendations.
We offer innovative Body-Mind care as part of modern preventive medicine and tailored treatment. Focused. Thorough. Long-term oriented.
For years patients and companies at home and abroad have appreciated the recommendations of Dr. Anne Fleck for internal health management and motivational, resilience training.
Upon request, we will be happy to provide you with references from companies and embassies.
Since 2007 DOC FLECK has been implementing a high-quality method of innovative and naturopathic medicine. This combination of modern, functional medicine and individual nutritional advice is unique. All patient care is state of the art and scientifically proven. The focus lies on personalized patient-oriented treatment. Every patient’s request and medical needs are respectfully honored in a friendly atmosphere. We collaborate with the best medical experts in their field of expertise and provide a second opinion service.
WELCOME! We look forward to seeing you soon!
- Allergies, hay fever
- Alzheimer’s disease (prevention)
- Autoimmune disorders
- Bad breath (halitosis)
- Blood pressure problems
- Cancer (adjuvant therapy)
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Celiac disease
- Cholesterol elevations
- Chronic fatigue (fatigue syndrome), lack of energy
- Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases
- Concentration deficits
- Depression, Mood swings
- Desire to have children, fertility disorders
- Diabetes mellitus type 1, 2
- Digestive problems
- Dysbiosis (disturbed intestinal flora)
- Eating disorders
- Eye diseases (e.g., incipient macular degeneration)
- Fatty liver
- Fibromyalgia
- Food intolerances (gluten, lactose, histamine, sorbitol, etc.)
- Gastritis
- Gum inflammation
- Heartburn
- Hereditary detoxification disorders
- Hormone disorders
- Immunodeficiency
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Lipid metabolism disorders (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) (Cholesterin, Triglyceride etc)
- Macular degeneration
- Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)
- Memory problems, health maintenance
- Menopausal symptoms
- Metabolic disorders
- Migraine
- Multiple sclerosis
- Overweight
- Parkinson’s disease
- Pediatric consultations (including ADHD, obesity, developmental disorders, abdominal disorders)
- Pregnancy
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Rare diseases
- Restless leg syndrome
- Rheumatic diseases
- Skin diseases (acne, aphthae, herpes, psoriasis, lipedema, neurodermatitis, rosacea, cellulite).
- Sleep disorders, sleep apnea
- Sports nutrition
- Tendinitis
- Thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism)
- Tinnitus
- Underweight
- Vegan/vegetarian diet
- Vertigo
Whatever you are struggling with – Doc Fleck and team will assist you with expertise and empathy to achieve your goal of HEALTH sustainably! Feel free to contact us via